Transfer Information
Please remember the college catalog is the authoritative source of information on program and graduation requirements and regulations. Current college catalogs
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Transfer Student Admissions Guidelines
Failure to disclose a complete collegiate record may result in the denial of admission to or the dismissal from Chadron State College. Students may not omit or disregard any part of their previous college records, whether part or full-time, with or without degree objectives, whether or not credit has been granted or whether or not they desire to transfer credit.
Prospective transfer students must be eligible to return to the institution last attended. Those who have been suspended or dismissed from another college or university for academic or personal reasons may not be considered for admission until eligible to return to their former institution, or until one full academic semester has elapsed.
One official transcript from each college attended must be submitted, even if no credit was earned at the institution. Students may not omit any part of their previous college record, whether part-time or full-time, with or without degree objectives, whether or not credit has been granted, or whether or not they desire to transfer credit. Failure to disclose a complete collegiate record may result in denial of admission or in dismissal from Chadron State College.
Grade Point Average
Transfer applicants must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of "C" (2.0) earned at institutions accredited by a national higher education accrediting agency to be eligible for admission without qualification. If accepted, students with grade point averages below this level or who earned their credit from non-accredited schools are admitted on a probationary status.
Health Form Requirement
All students entering any Nebraska State College institution must show physician-valuated immunization records. For more details on the health form requirements, please visit our Health Services page.
Associates Degree & Essential Studies Waiver
Students who have completed an Associate’s degree from a national accredited institution, which includes all Nebraska community colleges, will have met all Essential Studies requirements, if their earlier coursework includes 30 or more credit hours of general studies courses. Completion of specific lower division courses may also be required in individual degree programs.
Students enrolled in Associate degree programs are encouraged to complete their program requirements prior to enrolling at CSC to maximize credit transfer and to possibly qualify for the Essential Studies waiver. Students who are close to completion may be advised to complete any remaining hours toward their associates degree completion through reverse transfer. For more information, contact the START Office at
Students with an Associate of Applied Science, or an Associate of Occupational Studies degree should check with the CSC Records Office for specific details regarding additional Essential Studies credits that may be required for graduation.
Unofficial Credit Evaluation
Click here to request an unofficial credit evaluation.
Additional Information
- Transfer of Credit Policy (Undergraduate)
- Praxis CORE Basic Skills requirements for students in teacher education
- Graduation Information
- Course Catalog
- Cost of Attendance
Class Registration
To register for classes a student must complete the admissions application first. Once your application has been processed you will be assigned an Enrollment form on your MyCSC To-Do list.
Completion of the application, the Enrollment form and documentation of all official transcripts are required prior to enrollment.
Catalog Selections
Transfer students are assigned to the current academic catalog. Please see the catalog page.
Academic Advisors
All transfer students seeking degrees from Chadron State College are assigned to faculty advisors in their academic program area. You will work with a START advisor until you are officially assigned an academic advisor during your first term of enrollment.
Class Selection
For optimal course selection, transfer students are encouraged to register early. Click here for Enrollment Information.
Online Account Information
Information about MyCSC, EagleMail, and CSC Online is found at Student Accounts.
Transcript Evaluation
Upon receipt of the Enrollment form, your official transcripts are evaluated by the CSC Records Office and your Degree Audit within MyCSC is updated. If you have in-progress transfer work, it will be updated when the final official transcripts are received.
Click here to request an official degree audit.
Course Study Planning Responsibility
Students are responsible for planning their course of study and fulfilling all catalog requirements. Faculty advisors are available to help you with understanding catalog requirements and planning your course of study.
The college catalog is the authoritative source of information on program and graduation requirements and regulations. Complete course prerequisites and other information is included in the CSC catalog under course descriptions.